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Learn about upcoming conferences, meetings and other events related to ZTB here.

The World Conference on Lung Health

November 15, 2023


November 18, 2023

The 2023 World Conference on Lung Health will be taking place in Paris, France from November 15-18

The World Conference on Lung Health

7th International conference on M. bovis

June 7, 2021


June 10, 2021

The conference will bring together experts on a wide range of M. Boris related themes including: the science/policy interface, epidemiology, surveillance, diagnostics, wildlife reservoirs, social science & economics, vaccination, practical delivery, and innovation for TB control and eradication.

7th International conference on M. bovis

Novel Rapid Diagnostics for Assessing Zoonotic Tuberculosis Webinar

September 8, 2020


September 8, 2020

Rapidly diagnosing tuberculosis (TB) infection in humans or animals with high sensitivity and specificity is difficult, and determining the source of a zoonotic infection through the identification of infecting Mycobacterium species is generally limited to whole genome sequencing. In this one-hour webinar, leaders in the development of new rapid TB diagnostic tests will discuss the overall challenges and progress, including the ultimate challenge of rapidly identifying cases of zoonotic TB.

Novel Rapid Diagnostics for Assessing Zoonotic Tuberculosis Webinar
Created & Founded by: Francisco Olea Popelka (DVM, MSc, PhD)
Designed by: Dani Kilani (MD), Melissa Terry (DVM),
& Laura Gendron (BMSc)
Website Manager: Laura Gendron (BMSc)
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